Activating the role of governance in resolving regional conflicts around the eastern Mediterranean, and the role of Turky in it (Analytical Study in Political Geography)
This study seeks to activating the role of governance and a peaceful solution in resolving regional conflicts in the eastern Mediterranean region over natural gas deposits ,so that Mediterranean in general, has become a vast arena. For regional and international conflict, and it could develop if no international mediation and a wise regional agreement take place to exploit the new gas wealth for a situation that is the most severe of its kind since the first and second Gulf wars. The study presented the causess and factors of the conflict and its repercussions on the countries of the region in general, as well as defining Turkeys role and position on those conflicts. The study reached a conclusion that all parties to the conflict seek to extend their influence in the eastern Mediterranean by various ways and means . This study also monitors and illustrates the map of declared alliancces tendeeers in political positions in the same region and the celebrations received for evolution of the conflict from a competitive conflict to a zero-sum military conflict.
The study also recommended the adoption of a peaceful solution through international arbitration as an effective means in resolving disputes between states in order to preserve international peace and security, promoting a culture of peace among governments and pushing them in their border disputes for peaceful action and legal arbitration by well-known methods and the necessity of resorting to arbitration as a civilized option to resolve international and regional disputes in particular to avoid wars. Which drains states' resources, weakens their capabilities, and threatens their existence.