Japanese-Chinese Relations in the Duration of Shinzo Abe


  • Dr. Fatimah Hussein Fadhil AL-Mafrajy




Japanese-Chinese relations are characterized by difficulty and complexity, each one is concerned with its policies and strategies that it seeks to achieve, and each of them has goals and interests that contradict and differ from the goals of the other. Japan struggles to maintain regional balance, while China seeks regional and global leadership, which puts it in competition with Japan for leadership in Asia and with the United States on world leadership. This called on the Japanese government to confront the rise of China through a strategy followed by the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe that contributed to the elimination of differences, the improvement of relations between the two countries, the exchange of official visits, and the development of economic relations. Thus, Abe was able to implement his strategy smoothly, which was represented by strengthening security and defense  of Japan, establishing regional alliances that empower Japan in the political and security field, as well as strengthening the bonds of the US-Japanese alliance.

Keywords: Japanese-Chinese relations, Shinzo -Abe



How to Cite

Dr. Fatimah Hussein Fadhil AL-Mafrajy, D. F. H. F. A.-M. (2023). Japanese-Chinese Relations in the Duration of Shinzo Abe. Hammurabi Journal for Studies, 12(48), 325–350. https://doi.org/10.61884/hjs.v12i48.414



