Opposition in the Political Parties’ Thought in Turkey During the Justice and Development Party Era


  • ا. م. د. احمد محمد علي العوادي ا. م. د. احمد محمد علي العوادي




The rise to power of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) in Turkey was a major shock and threat to the secular forces in the country, as the party carried Islamic-oriented policies. Despite the reassurances the party attempted to convey during the early years of its governance, the AKP succeeded in dismantling opposition forces within state institutions, including the military, judiciary, and other sectors. The party implemented constitutional amendments that expanded its powers and undermined any opposition to its policies and its Islamic-leaning orientation. In contrast, opposition to the party did not only come from secular forces but also grew among the party's own supporters and allies. As a result, opposition in Turkey became not limited to a single ideological stream but rather involved various political currents.

Keywords: Opposition, Political Parties, Turkey, Justice and Development Party (AKP)



How to Cite

ا. م. د. احمد محمد علي العوادي ا. م. د. ا. م. ع. ا. (2024). Opposition in the Political Parties’ Thought in Turkey During the Justice and Development Party Era. Hammurabi Journal for Studies, 13(52), 123–142. https://doi.org/10.61884/hjs.v13i52.553