Publication terms

Publisher: Hammurabi Center for Research and Strategic Studies

Institution: Hammurabi Center for Strategic Research and Studies (

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 2227-5312 (Print)
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): 3006-1253 (Online)


 As part of the submission for publication process, authors must ensure that their submissions meet all of the following, and submissions that do not meet these criteria may be rejected.

  • The research must be submitted to the official website of the journal, and any research submitted through any other means will not be accepted
  • Submitted researches must be written in MS Word, researches printed on tablets will not be accepted, font type must be (Sakkal Majalla), size 14, single spacing between lines, and main titles should be size 16 Bold. Quotations from texts must be in font size 12 and indented at least 0.5 cm on the left and right margins.  Research papers must be printed on Roman
  • Submitted researches to the journal must be written in Arabic or English language, provided that the number of research words does not exceed 5,000 words.
  • The second page should contain an abstract of the research in Arabic and English languages, with not more than 200 words, mentioning a maximum of five keywords.
  • Research documentation should follow the Chicago Methodology, using the note and bibliography style. This involves writing a note (footnote or endnote) at the bottom of the page containing all the source information, then numbering it sequentially on each page within the margin, In size 12 (Sakkal Majalla) for Arabic, and (Times new Roman) for English, For more details on this method, . Click here to download Chicago Style instructions.
  • Submitted researches for publication must include ( the researcher’s name, email, the researcher’s specialisation, and place of work ) in both Arabic and English languages.
  • The sources are translated into English at the end of the research
  • The research must include a biography of the researcher and his place of wo
  • The text of the manuscript is limited by the stylistic requirements contained in the author’s guidelines, which are located in the journal’s introductory text on this site.
  • Upon receipt of the research, the journal will notify the researcher of the receipt of his research within 5 working days.
  • The researcher will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of his/her research within a period of two to three months. The researcher whose research is accepted for publication will be notified of the date of publishing his/her research, and will be provided with a letter of acceptance along with copyright transfer forms.
  • Wherever necessary, links have been added to the references used in the book (links are mediums to addresses on the world wide web, i.e. the Internet)
  • Submitted researches are forwarded to electronic extraction program.Obligating the researcher with the results of electronic extraction.

Publishing Fees:

  • The fees for publishing in the Journal from outside Iraq is ($100), and
    from inside Iraq (125,000 IQ), including: (publishing coasts, plagiarism
    detection, scientific reviewers and proofreading),  via MasterCard on the account (4802731630)
  • Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of publication will result in delay or rejection to publish the intended researc ,In addition to a list of sources in Arabic.
  •  Click the link to download the written pledge