Minorities and National Integration in the Balkans: A Study of the Albanian Minority


  • Ghasaq sadeq Abdul Ridah




Minorities and national integration in the Balkans represent a complex subjectencompassing historical, cultural, and political challenges. Studies indicate that Albanian minorities in the Balkans face various challenges regarding nationalintegration, such as language, identity, and political participation. Some researchshows that these minorities strive to preserve their cultural and linguistic identity,while others work towards greater national integration and political participation.  Achieving a balance between preserving cultural identity and national integration remains an ongoing challenge in this region.

Keywords: Minorities- National Integration- Balkans- Albanian



How to Cite

Ghasaq sadeq Abdul Ridah, G. sadeq A. R. (2024). Minorities and National Integration in the Balkans: A Study of the Albanian Minority. Hammurabi Journal for Studies, 13(51), 245–262. https://doi.org/10.61884/hjs.v13i51.519