The impact of the economic and social factor on educational policies in Iraq after 2003


  • Hiba Amir Abbas
  • Prof. Dr. Hamsa Qahtan



         Economic and social conditions play a prominent role in the field of education. Education in Iraq since the establishment of the Iraqi state in 1921 until today has gone through many difficulties and fluctuations that made it improve and advance at times, and retreat at other times. After periods of improvement that education went through in the seventies of the twentieth century, it witnessed a great decline affected by wars, conflicts, and political fluctuations which were accompanied by economic and social deterioration  causing a decline in education indicators, and this is mainly due to the weakness of the educational policy and its lack of solid foundations.  In order to take a look at the reality of education it is necessary to classify that reality according to those conditions that control the effectiveness of the educational system in achieving the desired goals, and providing its requirements that keep pace with the changes of the modern era especially after the change that occurred in the political system in 2003, and the number of crises and difficulties that it faced. The most prominent of which are political and security instability, and sectarian conflicts which made the Iraqi government face a significant challenge. Therefore,  this research will address the problem of educational policies in Iraq after 2003 and the impact of the economic and social factor on it.

Keywords: educational policy, economic reality, social reality.



How to Cite

Hiba Amir Abbas, H. A. A., & Prof. Dr. Hamsa Qahtan, P. D. H. Q. (2024). The impact of the economic and social factor on educational policies in Iraq after 2003. Hammurabi Journal for Studies, 13(51), 163–190.